Misty Mtns: Crystal

Quest Info

Recommended Level
  • Description

    Help a wizard make a crystal.

  • A crystal.

  • From the Rivendell signpost.

    do 2s,6e

  • Find a cave nearby with crystals, perhaps the local wildlife will have what you need to make it wearable.

  • In the room with the wizard, you can regain some endurance by the following.


  • path

    Now you need to find a worm.

    dig in dirt

    If you see You dig in the dirt, but fail to find a worm., then you will need to retry the command. If you see Someone seems to have dug the area up already., then someone has done the quest before you. When you see You dig up a nice, plump worm., you are ready to continue.

    do 3e,give worm to bird

    If you did not manage to find a woam, you can kill the bird, once the bird is gone.

    do get egg,cave,give egg to snake

    If you did not manage to get an egg, you can kill the snake. Once the snake is gone.

    do break crystal,get crystal,yard,search nest,get cloth,w,s,request riddle

    Now you will be asked a riddle. Below are the questions and answers.

    What's better than the best thing, and worse than the worst thing?.

    answer nothing

    What grows up while growing down?.

    answer a goose

    At night they come without being fetched. And by day they are lost without being stolen.

    answer stars

    I know a word of letters three, add two and fewer there will be.

    answer few

    What's colorless and weightless but if you put it in a barrel, the barrel would become lighter?

    answer a hole

    How far can a dog run into the woods?

    answer half way

    If you were to take two apples from three apples how many would you have?

    answer two apples

    Once you have answered the riddle, the wizard will give you your crystal.

If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.