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Moria: Many Tailed Whip
Take a trip to the very top of Moria.
Mordor: Githbromiel's Claw
Obtain the claw of the queen fell beast Githbromiel.
Mordor: Large Training Prod
Obtain your own Fell Beast training prod.
Isengard: Living Staff
Complete a task for Treebeard.
Buckland: Personal Spellbook
Find a pen for a scrbe who has lost his.
Getting inside the White Tower
Get inside the tower in the citadel of Minas Tirith.
Pelargir: Grimslade's Greaves
Track down a thief in the Pelargir market.
Galenwath: Defeating Haradrim
Help Nid the farmer beat down on some Haradrim.
Galenwath: Killing Nid
Kill Nid and take the shield from his corpse.
Pelargir: Old House Arson
Burn down a house.
Pelargir: Jade Trident
Attack some thugs and be thrown in the river.
Pelargir: Crocodile-hide Boots
Clear out the Pelargir Admiralty.
Umbar: Royal Plate Armour
Explore a hidden corsair campsite.
Barad-dur: Gimlibar's Tea
Prepare tea for Prince Gimlibar.
Getting inside the Barad-Dur dunedain camp
Get inside the dunedain camp in the Barad-Dur courtyard.
Pelt for Wandering Man
Find a pelt for the wandering man
Barad-dur: Cloak for Scar
Find a snazzy cloak for Scar.
Harad Desert: Hurricane Spell
Explore an ancient temple.
MT7: Killing Merethrond Spy
Find and kill a spy in the citadel of Minas Tirith.
Getting the key for Merethrond
Obtain the key for Merethrond.