Tarzhayan: Espandiar's Spear

Quest Info

Recommended Level
  • Description

    Loot the Tarzhayan palace.

  • A razor-tipped spear.

  • From Tarzhayan signpost.

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  • Kill the prince, take the spear.

  • There are two possible versions of the spear you can get. The better spear has an extra feature you can use.


    You will know which version of the spear you have by an extra line in the description which says A skilled person would be able to thrust this spear into an enemy at a great velocity, pushing them off guard and causing great damage..

  • kill prince

    Kill the Espandiar, master of the palace.

    Periodically during the fight, he will call for help and an A fierce uruk-hai guard will run in and protect him. Once the fight is over, take the spear from his corpse.

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