Calembel: Sand for Glassblower (tracked)

Quest Info

Recommended Level
  • Description

    Find some sand for the glassblower.

  • 100 gold.

  • From Linhir signpost.

    do w,n,nw,4n,nw,4n,nw,n,nw,2n,nw,4n,w,2nw,3w,2nw,sw

  • Find some clean sand for the glassblower in the place he suggests to you.

  • First you are going to need a container of some sort (almost any container will do, I tend to use a pack, so I will assume you use a pack as well).

    do ne,2se,3e,2se,e,4s,se,2s,se,s,se,4s,se,4s,se,s,se,5s,6w,get sand into pack,6e,5n,nw,n,nw,4n,nw,4n,nw,n,nw,2n,nw,4n,w,2nw,3w,nw,n,raise bucket,wash sand in pack

    Now you need to wait until the sand is dry, this will take 10 minutes. You can check if the sand is dry by doing the following.

    look sand in pack

    If the sand is still wet you will see The sand is wet. otherwise you will see The sand is dry.. Once the sand is dry do the following.

    do 2sw,give pack to glassblower

    He will return the pack to you along with your reward.

If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.