MM2: Black Hauberk (tracked)

Quest Info

Recommended Level
  • Description

    Help a wounded colonel heal his wounds.

  • A black steel hauberk.

  • From inside Minas Morgul gates.

    do 2e,3se,3s,2sw,gate,ne,2n,w

  • Find some way past the barrier, then retrieve the trunk for the colonel.

  • The An odd looking olog-hai is classed as a citizen of Minas Morgul, so you cannot complete this quest without incurring quest tracker kills.

  • do e,2s,2sw,2w,2nw,kill slave

    Once the An overworked slave repairs the streets is dead.

    get crowbar from corpse

    Now you need to keep the crowbar for later.

    do 2n,e,u,kill slave

    The three slaves here all protect so the battle will be tough. Once A nervous slave and An exhausted slave and A disfigured slave are dead.

    kill olog

    Once the An odd looking olog-hai is dead.

    do get trunk,d,w,2ne,2e,2se,w

    Now you need to have the crowbar in your hands (You may have to drop the trunk somewhere safe temporarily).

    do drop trunk,get crowbar,wield crowbar,pry barricade,get trunk,w,give trunk to colonel

    He will reward you with A keyring containing 2 keys.

    do e,unlock up door with blood-covered key,u,unlock locker with skeleton key,open locker,get hauberk from locker

If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.