Harondor: Agrimar's Head (tracked)

Quest Info

Recommended Level
  • Description

    Slay a bountyhunter for a haradrim.

  • A great war shield.

  • From Southern Kadar signpost.

    do 29s,7e

  • Track down a nearby bountyhunter, slay him and bring proof to the commander of the camp.

  • do s,e,2n,kill boutyhunter

    .You will be attacked by A small bounty hunter with a message of A dark figure rushes in to help Agrimar!. Once both A dark-looking bounty hunter and A small bounty hunter are dead.

    do behead corpse of agrimar,get head,2s,w,n,enter,3n,give head to commander

    He will then present you with your reward.

If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.

See Also