Kadar: Shimmering Cloak (tracked)

Quest Info

Recommended Level
  • Description

    Convincing a strange fisherman to tell you a story about how he saw a valuable item in the waters.

  • A long shimmering cloak and 300 gold.

  • From Kadar South signpost.

    do 3n,e,ne,2n

  • Talk to the fisherman. If he is reluctant to share information then try getting him drunk. Now explore the depths to try and find the valuable he saw.

  • You need a light source. You need to be unencumbered and one hand free because you will be swimming a lot. It is a good idea not to carry a cloak so you can wear the quest reward.

    Arethur the fisherman is also the fishing tradeskill trainer for Evil Races.

    Based upon a recent update, it is supposedly possibly for a non ER/Servant to complete this quest without help to buy the beer. However I have been unable to find another beer which works than FR players can buy.

    updates search 06/17/13

  • You are going to need 2 A bottle of dark beer however only ER/Servant players can get them easily. If you are an ER/Servant you can use the following to get the beer (They only cost 2 gold each).

    do 2s,sw,2w,s,sw,2order beer

    This will give you 2 A bottle of dark beer.

    If you an FR then you are going to have to do some killing.

    do 2s,sw,2w,s,sw,,kill drunk

    When Dunyth the drunk is dead.

    do get bottle from corpse,swipe bottle

    Now whichever route you took you should have 2 bottles of beer.

    do ne,n,2e,ne,2n,give beer to fisherman

    Arethur the fisherman will drink the beer and start to tell you his story. After a short period he will ask you for another beer Arethur says to you: This sure is taking longer than I thought, and I'm so parched I could drink the Poros. If you get me another beer I might consider telling you where I think the river might have taken the corpse..

    give beer to fisherman

    He will then finish his story and you will notice some rungs on the site of the pylon Now that Arethur has pointed them out, you suddenly notice some rungs on the far side of a nearby pylon..

    Now you should make sure you are completely unencumbered and are only using one hand, as you will be swimming and fighting for the next part of the quest. It is also quite dark so you should probably bring a light source of some sort.

    do climb down rungs,2swim deeper

    You will now find yourself at The riverbed.

    sift through mud

    The room will fill with mud and you will be unable to see. You will also be attacked.

    If you need to escape to recover health or endurance you can do the following.

    do 2swim surface,climb up

    After a while of combat the mud will settle and you will be able to see The water seems to clear up around you..

    You will find that you are fighting A horrifying squid and that you have discovered A mangled corpse as well.

    When the squid is dead.

    yank cloak from corpse

    You will now get your reward.

    In order to escape.

    do 2swim surface,climb up

    The 300 gold reward is inside the cloak.

If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.