Emyn Arnen: Protecting Variags (tracked)

Quest Info

Recommended Level
  • Description

    Protect a group of Variags from an attack.

  • A dark chainmail shirt or 1-50 gold.

  • From Kadar north gate.

    do 18n,e

  • Shortly after night starts you will notice some activity outside the camp. When you see this warn the sergeant of the camp and then see him again after the attack is over.

  • If you are moral or do not wish to wait until the attack happens you can simply kill A large variag sergeant for the shirt.

  • You can only complete this quest once per day at a specific time. Roughly 10 minutes after you see the message Twilight fades and the night begins. if you are standing inside the camp you will see the following You start to hear a strange rustling in the brush surrounding the camp. Perhaps you should notify the Sergeant..


    Once you have seen the message above.

    do w,notify sergeant

    A large variag sergeant will thank you and tell you to report back after the fight. He will then call his guards (four A variag warrior standing here). After a few more minutes you will see Arandil, a tall dunadan ranger and two A camouflaged ranger enter and attack the Variags.

    You do have to help during the fight however you can wait until there the fight is nearly over if you desire. When all of the rangers have fled.


    The sergant will thank you and give you your reward.

    If you have done less than 50 damage to the rangers (in total) you will receive the amount of damage you did in gold.

    If you did more than that you will receive the A dark chainmail shirt.

If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.

See Also