Harrowdale: Dark Scimitar (tracked)

Quest Info

Recommended Level
Moral or higher
  • Description

    Kill Stevo and take his weapon.

  • A dark scimitar (Unique).

  • From Edoras signpost.

    do n,e,5s,se,s,e,3s,2e,3s,2e,3s,e,14s,4w,n

  • Scale the cliff and kill the Numenorean at the top.

  • Stevo, the numenorean scout is also carrying A scimitar sheath one of the very rare sheathes in game capable of holding scimitars.

  • First make sure you have one hand free.

    climb cliff

    You will fall and take about 50 damage Just as you put your hands at the top of the ledge after a tiresome climb, someone steps on your fingers, cackling wickedly! You SCREAM in pain and let go of the ledge.....

    climb up

    You will now be brought to A ledge overlooking Harrowdale and be automatically attacked by Stevo, the numenorean scout if you are moral (if you are not high enough alignment he will not wield his weapon, will not attack you and will not allow you to attack him).

    If he wields A dark iron scimitar, then the quest is not in (though might be in later).

    If you need to heal, make sure you have one hand free.

    climb down

    This will take several rounds and cause you to take about 20 damage.

    When Stevo, the numenorean scout is dead.

    get scimitar from corpse

If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.

See Also