The Wold: Saddlebags (tracked)

Quest Info

Recommended Level
  • Description

    Find a set of saddlebags in a hidden Rohirrim keep.

  • A set of saddlebags.

  • From Edoras signpost.

    do n,w,sw,3w,nw,2n,4nw,4n,nw,4n,e,n,2e,n,nw,6n,32e,s,e,s,2e

    From Lothlorien signpost.

    do w,s,5w,5s,e,2s,3e,2s,e,2s,e,2s,e,2s,5e,s,e,s,3e,s,4e,s,e,9s,w,s,3w,s

  • Locate the hidden keep, then find a secret room in the in the armoury.

  • First you should complete The Wold: Hunter's Bow (You don't need to kill the captain, but you will have to kill the guards outside). Once you have entered the armoury (Armoury).

    pull red book

    After a short scene a new exit will open (The bookcase stops moving and a hidden exit is revealed!.

    do hole,dig bulge,get saddlebags

    This will give you your reward and quest point. If you take the out exit in this room you will be back outside, a short distance from the quest entrance.

If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.

See Also