Help a Numenorean supervisor deliver cargo from his ship.
30 gold.
Offer your help to the supervisor. Now make the cargo deliveries to each person indicated on the items.
offer help
A numenorean supervisor stands here will give you the job of delivering his cargo (You start to mention something about helping unload the cargo when the supervisor stops you mid-sentence and says, "Nevermind that, I need some of the cargo delivered. Go down to the hold and examine the cargo, and deliver what you find throughout the town. If you deliver any of it, I'll pay you. If you can't find whoever it belongs to, come back to me and return the cargo. Just ask me about your reward when you're done with all of the deliveries.").
do d,examine cargo
You will now be given one of several items randomly. Each item needs to be delivered to a specific person (The order changes). After completing each item you will need to get a new item by going down and examining the cargo once again. Each is listed below with the instructions to deliver it and return.
A small bag of bones for Morgan, the dark necromancer
do u,port,s,give bones to Morgan,n,ship
A barrel of grog for Anjublak the barkeep waits to serve you
do u,port,town,sw,give barrel to Anjublak,ne,port,ship
A crate of memorabilia for A retired Corsair
do u,port,town,give crate to corsair,port,ship
A crate of shopkeeper supplies for Amil looks after his shop
do u,port, town,n,w,n,give supplies to Amil,s,e,s,port,ship
A small chest of papers for The Overseer of Azrakadar
do u,port,town,e,n,give chest to Overseer,s,w,port,ship
A small chest of tools for The Portmaster stands here looking weary
do u,port,cabin,personal,give tools to portmaster,cabin,out,ship
Once you have delivered all of the items.
ask supervisor about reward
He will give you your reward and quest point.
If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.