Mordor: Orc Short Sword (tracked)

Quest Info

Recommended Level
  • Description

    Find a lost short sword.

  • An orc short sword.

  • From Inside Mordor.

    do 4s,2e,4s,e,s,se,4e,se,5e,se,s,se,sw,w,9s

  • Find an old rusty sword at the bottom of a well. Then find a cloth to clean it.

  • camp

    Now you will have to kill both A strong orc guard is here.. When they are dead.

    do enter,kill orc

    When An orc is here getting water from the well is dead you are ready to continue. Before continuing you should make sure you have at least 200 endurance (otherwise you will be trapped at the bottom of the well), a container and a light source.

    do climb down rope,search river

    This will leave An old rusty sword on the ground.

    get sword into pack

    You need to use a pack or sheath here as you will need both hands free to climb out.

    do climb up rope,w,move hide

    This will open up a new exit passage.

    do passage,move hide,get cloth

    This will give you A stained cloth.

    do get rusty sword from pack,clean sword

    You will now get your reward and quest point.

If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.

See Also