(This does not award a quest point.)
Find an heirloom in a hidden house/
A Numenorean heirloom.
Find a locked hidden room by burning a tapestry. Find the key for the room, then find a way of opening the safe in the hidden room.
do e,d,kill slave
Once the A slave is here sharpening a hatchet is dead.
do get hatchet from corpse,wield hatchet,sharpen hatchet,get hatchet,wield hatchet,u,w,chop wood,get wood,e,stack wood,w,get wood,e,stack wood
Now, make sure you are fully healed and ready as the next command will trap you in this room for the duration of the fight.
start fire
A An angry servant will run in and attack you. Once he is dead.
do e,kill cook
Once the A fat male cook is dead.
do unclog sink,get smelly key,w,n,unlock down door with smelly key,drop key,d,deactivate trap,loot safe,get heirloom
If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.