Hunt some voles for a woodsman.
A simple shield.
Help out the wounded woodsman by hunting voles for him and getting their pelts.
You're going to need a pack or pelt string and a knife or some survival gear for this. I will assume you are using a pack and knife..
do cottage,offer help,s,garden,forest,part grass,kill vole
When A small brown vole is dead.
do wield knife,skin corpse,put pelt in pack,shift rocks,kill vole
When the next vole is dead.
do wield knife,skin corpse,put pelt in pack,push brush,kill vole
When the vole is dead.
do wield knife,skin corpse,garden,vottage,n,present pelt,get pelt from pack,present pelt,get pelt from pack,present pelt
A wounded woodsman will thank you and give you your reward.
If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.