Steal a placid horse.
<name>'s branded horse.
Convince the captain to give you some food to placate his horse, then distract the guard and steal the horse.
You do not need to have high charisma or taming skill in order to tame the horse, the apple is apparently enough, you will still need enough endurance however.
If you simply want the horse and do not care about the quest point there is a way out of this without fighting the guard. There is a secret exit from Makeshift stables by the riverside which will cost some endurance.
do encampment,nw,ask captain about apple
A resting haradrim captain will give you A beautiful red apple.
do out,s,w,drop apple,ask guard about drink
A stout haradrim guarding the stables will now say one of three things.
If he says Guard whispers to you: Don't tell anyone I said this, but I remember being in Azrazayan, and let me tell you, the ale they make there is some of the best I've ever had. It is a well brewed drink, not too heavy in taste, yet ample in flavor. These scouting missions are damn boring; I'd love to have some of that ale again.. Then you will need to head to Azrazayan and buy 2 A mug of ale.
do e,n,plains,3e,se,e,ne,2n,ne,3n,ne,2n,2ne,4n,ne,n,ne,n,ne,5n,2nw,u,nw,n,2nw,n,2nw,3w,nw,7w,sw,4w,sw,6w,sw,w,sw,2w,sw,7w,2sw,6w,3nw,3n,3nw,2w,2nw,6n,ne,n,nw,6w,nw,w,nw,w,nw,w,nw,w,nw,2w,nw,2w,nw,4w,s,w,d,4sw,4w,s,d,s,2e,3s,5e,3n,w,d,2e,3s,3e,d,s,6w,s,7w,n,7w,n,3w,2u,nw,w,2n,w,nw,2u,2w,2s,w,s,2w,2s,w,3s,7w,nw,2n,w,2order ale,e,2s,se,7e,3n,e,2n,2e,n,e,2n,2e,2d,se,e,2s,e,se,2d,9e,s,11e,n,e,s,2e,n,u,2w,3n,3w,u,e,3s,5w,3n,2w,n,u,n,4e,4ne,u,e,n,4e,se,2e,se,2e,se,e,se,e,se,e,se,e,se,6e,se,s,sw,6s,2se,2e,3se,3s,3se,6e,2ne,7e,ne,2e,ne,e,ne,6e,ne,4e,ne,7e,se,3e,2se,s,2se,s,se,d,2se,5s,sw,s,sw,s,sw,4s,2sw,2s,sw,3s,sw,2s,sw,w,nw,3w,encampment,s,w,give ale to guard
When you see Guard throws the mug into the river.
give ale to guard
If he says Guard whispers to you: Don't tell anyone I said this, but I remember being in Tavorus, and let me tell you, the pito they make there is some of the best I've ever had. It's a rather interesting drink, and I haven't seen it in many other places. These scouting missions are damn boring; I'd love to have some of that ale again.. Then you will need to head to Tavorus and buy 2 A calabash full of pito.
do e,n,plains,3e,se,e,ne,2n,ne,3n,ne,2n,2ne,e,se,s,se,3s,2se,sw,3s,sw,s,2se,s,5se,6s,sw,s,2se,2e,2ne,e,3se,s,se,s,3se,3e,2n,w,s,2order pito,out,e,2s,3w,3nw,n,nw,n,3nw,w,2sw,2w,2nw,n,ne,6n,5nw,n,nw,w,sw,nw,n,2nw,2w,nw,sw,w,nw,3w,encampment,s,w,give pito to guard
When you see Guard throws the calabash into the river.
give pito to guard
If he says Guard whispers to you: Don't tell anyone I said this, but I remember being in Azrazayan, and let me tell you, the rum they make there is some of the best I've ever had. It is made from sugar cane local to Azrazayan.These scouting missions are damn boring; I'd love to have some of that rum again.. Then you will need to head to Azrazayan and buy 2 A thin bottle of sweet rum.
do e,n,plains,3e,se,e,ne,2n,ne,3n,ne,2n,2ne,4n,ne,n,ne,n,ne,5n,2nw,u,nw,n,2nw,n,2nw,3w,nw,7w,sw,4w,sw,6w,sw,w,sw,2w,sw,7w,2sw,6w,3nw,3n,3nw,2w,2nw,6n,ne,n,nw,6w,nw,w,nw,w,nw,w,nw,w,nw,2w,nw,2w,nw,4w,s,w,d,4sw,4w,s,d,s,2e,3s,5e,3n,w,d,2e,3s,3e,d,s,6w,s,7w,n,7w,n,3w,2u,nw,w,2n,w,nw,2u,2w,2s,w,s,2w,2s,w,3s,7w,nw,2n,w,2order rum,e,2s,se,7e,3n,e,2n,2e,n,e,2n,2e,2d,se,e,2s,e,se,2d,9e,s,11e,n,e,s,2e,n,u,2w,3n,3w,u,e,3s,5w,3n,2w,n,u,n,4e,4ne,u,e,n,4e,se,2e,se,2e,se,e,se,e,se,e,se,e,se,6e,se,s,sw,6s,2se,2e,3se,3s,3se,6e,2ne,7e,ne,2e,ne,e,ne,6e,ne,4e,ne,7e,se,3e,2se,s,2se,s,se,d,2se,5s,sw,s,sw,s,sw,4s,2sw,2s,sw,3s,sw,2s,sw,w,nw,3w,encampment,s,w,give rum to guard
When you see Guard throws the bottle into the river.
give rum to guard
If he says Guard whispers to you: Don't tell anyone I said this, but I remember being in Asubuhi, and let me tell you, the blackberry liqueur they make there is some of the best I've ever had. It has quite an exotic taste.These scouting missions are damn boring; I'd love to have some of that blackberry liqueur again.. Then you will need to head to Asubuhi and buy 2 A small glass of blackberry liqueur.
do e,n,plains,6e,2n,ne,3n,ne,2n,2ne,4n,ne,n,ne,n,ne,5n,2nw,u,nw,n,2nw,n,nw,ne,3e,ne,2e,ne,4e,ne,6e,ne,4e,d,2e,2s,se,2s,se,sw,w,2order liqueur,e,ne,nw,2n,nw,2n,2w,u,4w,sw,6w,sw,4w,sw,2w,sw,3w,sw,se,s,2se,s,se,d,2se,5s,sw,s,sw,s,sw,4s,2sw,2s,sw,3s,sw,2s,sw,w,nw,3w,encampment,s,w,give liqueur to guard
When you see Guard throws the glass into the river.
give liqueur to guard
If he says Guard whispers to you: Don't tell anyone I said this, but I remember being in Tavorus, and let me tell you, the ouzo they make there is some of the best I've ever had. It has an interesting yet mild fruity flavor. These scouting missions are damn boring; I'd love to have some of that ouzo again.. Then you will need to head to Tavorus and buy 2 An opaque, exotic liquor.
do e,n,plains,3e,se,e,ne,2n,ne,3n,ne,2n,2ne,e,se,s,se,3s,2se,sw,3s,sw,s,2se,s,5se,6s,sw,s,2se,2e,2ne,e,3se,s,se,s,3se,3e,2n,w,s,2order liquor,out,e,2s,3w,3nw,n,nw,n,3nw,w,2sw,2w,2nw,n,ne,6n,5nw,n,nw,w,sw,nw,n,2nw,2w,nw,sw,w,nw,3w,encampment,s,w,give liquor to guard
When you see Guard throws the glass into the river.
give liquor to guard
Once you have done that the guard will fall asleep Guard falls asleep..
do get apple,tame horse
The horse will now become yours, but you will still need to escape the camp. You will now need to kill the guard.
do e,kill guard
A haradrim scout relaxing by the riverside will become A haradrim scout, engaged in bloody combat. When he is dead you will be able to leave with your horse.
do w,unhitch horse,lead horse,e,n
If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.