Track down an Uruk-Hai outcast.
A jewel.
Find a way to explore the underground lake to find the Uruk-Hai who is hiding there.
The underground lake is dark and requires light to be able to explore. Torches or brands will not work as they will be extinguished when you are swimming in the water. This means you should either use a crystal, the skill attune or the necromancer spell flames in order to see.
A jewel works like A crystal and can be lit to provide light.
light jewel
kill master
When Uruk sniffer master is dead.
do dig log,pull log,get log
This will give you A log.
do 4swim w,kill outcast
When An uruk-hai outcast is dead.
do drop log,get jewel from corpse,wear jewel,get log
This will give you your reward. In order to get back outside the cavern and complete the quest.
do 5swim e,out
If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.