Getting into Mordor via the Black Gate

(This does not award a quest point.)

Quest Info

Recommended Level
  • Description

    How to get into Mordor via the Black Gate.

  • From the Eastern Osgiliath signpost (A bridge over the Morgulduin).

    do n,ne,8n,nw,10n,e,2ne,e,8s

  • There are several ways of getting into Mordor, depending on your alignment, brute force is one of them.

  • If you are a free race then you can use one of two methods. The easiest is to complete Getting the Password to Mordor and then doing the following.

    say <password>

    If you have a lot of equipment and friends, you can also use brute force to take down the gates, however bear in mind you will be fighting 7 very powerful monsters at the same time, with no way of escaping until either you, or they are dead.

    If you are a servant of Sauron (evil race or serving free race) and have no kills on the Mordor killtracker, then you can simply knock on the gate.

    do 2knock on gate,s

If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.