Help a distressed wagon driver retrieve his goods.
Half price healing at the Combe doctor (The Combe doctor's office).
Locate the hidden Goblin hideout nearby, then recover the drivers missing goods and provide him with a new wagon and horse.
The discounted healing persists through logging off the game. I cannot confirm that it will last an entire boot but it may do so.
You are going to need to give away both a horse and a wagon for this quest, since you are only allowed one wagon at a time it may be worth doing this quest early on before you build a wagon you actually want to use.
First you will need to complete Misty Mtns: Goblin Backpack which you can get to by doing the following.
do 2se,e
Once you have finished that quest.
do alcove,open chest,open chest 2
You will be attacked by A small green snake. When it is dead you will need to retrieve the goods from the chests, however A wedding dress is a unique item and therefore it may not be in.
do get wedding dress from chest 1 into pack,get all from chest 2,cave,out,w,2nw
Before you can present the driver with his lost goods you will need to provide a wagon for him (any size will do). The easiest way to get a wagon is to buy one from Adornas.
To get to the wagon builder.
do w,2sw,w,4sw,2nw,2sw,3w,sw,2w,2nw,2w,sw,w,13s,7se,s,se,e,se,e,se,e,se,e,se,s,se,s,sw,s,sw,se,2s,sw,s,sw,2w,sw,w,s,2w,s,w
You should now be in The Adornas wain builder's workshop with Bergen the wain builder stands here.
build tiny wain
This will cost you 250 gold and will take 10 minutes to complete, if you do not wish to wait in the room you will be informed then the wain is ready to pick up Bergen tells you: Your tiny wain is ready to be picked up!.
Whilst you are waiting it might be worth getting a horse to give to the driver. You can either buy one (from Bree Prancing Pony stable) or you can tame one by finding a horse in the wild and then.
tame horse
Your last option is to complete one of the two horse quests nearby (Adornas: Black Horse or W. Rohan: White Stallion).
When your wain is ready, bring your horse to the wain builder and do the following.
do pickup tiny wain,harness tiny wain to horse,lead horse,e,n,2e,n,e,ne,2e,ne,n,ne,2n,nw,ne,n,ne,n,nw,n,nw,w,nw,w,nw,w,nw,w,nw,n,7nw,13n,e,ne,2e,2se,2e,ne,3e,2ne,2se,4ne,e,2ne,e,give wain to driver,give horse to driver,give ceremonial shield to driver,get wedding dress from pack,give wedding dress to driver,give ceremonial helm to driver
A shaking wagon driver will thank you and tell you that whilst he cannot reward you he will spread word of your good deeds Wagon driver says in Westron: I am afraid I cannot reward you, as much as I wish to; the only things I have were given by you! However, I am good friends with the doctor of Combe. I will put in a good word for you; I am sure he will treat you better than his other patients. .
If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.