Getting water in Dharan-Sar

(This does not award a quest point.)

Quest Info

Recommended Level
  • Description

    Obtain some fresh water from the desert town Dharan-Sar.

  • A wooden bucket with a rope attached to it.

  • From Dharan-Sar signpost.

    do s,w,sw,s,e,n

    To get to Dharan-Sar, from Outpost North signpost.

    do gate,2s,out

    travelto dharan-sar

  • Find a way to get water from the well, you can either pay for it from the commander or fight for it.

  • There are two ways to get water. If Skarabash, a tall and imposing numenorean militant is alive you can buy one from him.

    do out,sw,se,e,s,ask skarabash about water,request water

    Skarabash will give you A thick paper token.

    do w,nw,n,e,n,give paper to boy

    He will give you the water. If you do not wish to pay for it you can kill the two A watchful guard.

    kill guard

    When they are both dead.

    do get bucket,fetch water from well


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