Mordor: Silver Skull Earring (tracked)

Quest Info

Recommended Level
  • Description

    Find a stylish piece of jewelry.

  • A silver skull earring.

  • From Inside Mordor.

    do 2s,e,2s,2e,5s,sw,3w,nw,n,gateway

  • Find a way past the orc into the bedroom, then find a lost earring.

  • If you wear the earring you will receive an extra look on your character which says You pay attention to the beautiful earring glittering on your ear..

  • give 10 gold to orc

    A huge ugly orc guard will jump for joy and allow you to pass him.

    do n,search bed

    You will now be attacked by A giant rat. When you have killed it it will run under the bed and A severed head will roll out.

    cut ear

    You will then get your reward and quest point.

If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.

See Also