CU: Capturing Shagrat (tracked)

Quest Info

Recommended Level
Immoral or lower
  • Description

    Capture an orc for the Nazgul in Cirith Ungol.

  • An ancient short sword (Unique) or A fine officer's sword.

  • After Getting inside Cirith Ungol.

    do tower,nw,2n,w,u,2w,s,u,s

  • Find a way to get to see the Nazgul in Cirith Ungol and take his mission to subdue Shagrat. Find Shagrat after searching Mordor and beat him down. Subdue him and drag him back to the Nazgul.

  • If you take too long or refuse the mission the Nazgul offers you he will attack you.

  • First you are going to need A very important message.

    do n,d,n,2e,d,w,3s,w

    Now follow the next route until you see A snaga messenger.

    do e,3n,e,u,2w,s,u,s

    Once you have found him you need to get the message from him. You can either kill him or bribe him.

    To kill him.

    kill snaga

    When he is dead.

    get message from corpse

    To bribe him for 150 gold.

    offer gold

    Now head back to the start of the quest and when you get there.

    do s,give message to nazgul

    The dark form of a Nazgul will read the message and offer you a mission Nazgul says in Westron: Now will you accept a mission of great importance?.


    he will then give you A small red vial and A set of worn leather bonds.

    do 2n,d,n,2e,d,e,2s,se,out,gate,sw,se,2s,sw,s,3sw,w,sw,w,2sw,s,se,e,se,3e,s,11e

    Here you will find A checkpoint. It should have An ugly, smelly orc and An orc guard and hopefully An uruk-hai commander creeps along cautiously. If the commander is not there you will have to try and find him along this route.

    do e,s,8e,s,2e,s,6e,n,9e,n,5e,s,10e,6n,e,n,e,n,2e,n,w,n,5w,n,4w,s,8w,n,6w,s,w,s,w,s,w,s,w,s

    Once you have found him.

    kill commander

    When you have beaten him so he submits and drops his weapon (which you can now take) Shagrat says in Westron: Please don't hurt me! Please! I'll do anything!. Make sure you have the bonds in your hand.

    bind shagrat

    Now you will need to get back to the Nazgul. From the campfire room where the commander starts.

    do 11w,n,3w,nw,w,nw,n,2ne,e,ne,e,3ne,n,ne,2n,nw,ne,gate,tower,nw,2n,w,u,2w,s,u,2s

    You will drag Shagrat along with you. When you get to the Nazgul he will kill Shagrat, take his pack and leave. Your reward was the weapon which Shagrat dropped.

If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.

See Also