Rhov: Longbow Made from Yew (tracked)

Quest Info

Recommended Level
  • Description

    Free and then avenge a prisoner

  • A longbow made from yew.

  • From the Eastern Osgiliath signpost (A bridge over the Morgulduin).

    do n,ne,8n,nw,10n,e,2ne,13e,2n

  • Find the prisoner and then free him. Now fight your way to the Bashaw and avenge the prisoner. Search the room in order to discover a hidden room.

  • do 2e,n,kill watchguard

    When A bored watchguard is dead.

    free prisoner

    A wretched prisoner will thank you and let you know that he and his companion hid a knife on the outskirts of the camp.

    do s,w,search through dirt,get knife

    This will give you A thin knife.

    do e,kill soldier

    When A burly soldier is dead.

    do e,kill officer

    When An elite officer is dead.

    do examine maps,press button

    This will send a dart into Vatrim the Bashaw dealing a little bit of extra damage and causing him to attack you (You do not need to do that part).When the Bashaw is dead.

    do wield knife,cut through stitch,n,get bow

    You now have your reward.

If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.

See Also