Rhov: Leather Scout Ruck (tracked)

Quest Info

Recommended Level
Demonic or lower
  • Description

    Torture a prisoner for fun.

  • A leather scout ruck.

  • From the Eastern Osgiliath signpost (A bridge over the Morgulduin).

    do n,ne,8n,nw,10n,e,2ne,13e,2n

  • Locate the prisoner inside the camp, torture him for the watchguard.

  • do 2e,n,torture prisoner

    The A bored watchguard will thank you for breaking the prisoner and will leave the room. You can now attack the A wretched prisoner at any time. If you do not attack him then when A bored watchguard returns, A wretched prisoner will take the pack from him and attack you anyway.

    kill prisoner

    Once the A wretched prisoner is dead.

    get ruck from corpse

If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.

See Also