Venture into an Orcish excavation.
A set of mithril tools (Unique) or A deadly morningstar or up to 3000 gold.
After Getting inside Moria do the following (The spoiler is for things you may want to discover yourself and are not required to get to the quest).
do 2nw,9n,nw,n,nw,2w,ne,2u,ne,3e,se,2s,sw,s,se,2s,2sw,2se,sw,w,2u,n,nw,w,nw,sw,3w,2sw,4w,3nw,3w,sw,s,se,sw,s,3se,s,sw,se,e,2se,3sw,2w,4nw
do 2nw,9n,nw,n,nw,2w,ne,2u,ne,3e,se,2s,sw,s,se,2s,2sw,2se,sw,w,2u,n,nw,w,nw,sw,3w,2sw,4w,3nw,3w,sw,s,se,search floor,track wire,wield knife,cut wire,sw,s,3se,s,sw,se,e,2se,3sw,2w,4nw
Fight your way into the excavation, then uncover a hidden journal and a mysterious key. Locate a safe hidden somewhere else and then work out how to open it.
In A long-abandoned storeroom you can get An ingot made out of gold.
search mound 1
A set of mithril tools is a unique item which will increase your combat arms skill by 25 when worn. It will also improve the quality of the repairs you complete on your equipment so you will be able to repair them from a worse condition.
First off, this quest is EXTREMELY dangerous and you should be prepared to die when trying it. The best way of completing this quest is to bring some friends to help you, however it can be done alone and this page will explain how.
When you enter the next room you will be attacked by four tough monsters and very shortly after that you will be backstabbed (unavoidably) by a fifth even tougher monster who can (and will) hunt you all the way to the edge of Moria, you should be prepared for this and have your escape route planned well in advance. You would be well advised to learn the area very well as this level of Moria can be quite dangerous.
One way to escape the hunter is to run all the way to the Moria entrance. If you do this the orc will return to where he started and wait for you back at the quest A tired-looking orc suddenly halts his persuit, and turns tail..
do 4se,2e,3ne,nw,w,2nw,ne,n,3nw,n,ne,nw,n,ne,3e,3se,4e,2ne,6e,se,s,2d,e,ne,nw,n,2ne,nw,2n,nw,ne,2n,nw,3w,sw,2d,sw,2e,se,s,se,8s,se,s,se,9e,2u,2e,2se,3e,2ne,e,2se,s,se,7s,12e,n,e
The other way to escape is to run to Moria: Shila's Ring which is also advantageous as it contains the healer Shila the healer. If you do this the orc will wait outside until you come back out before continuing to hunt you. To get there from this quest.
do 4se,2e,3ne,nw,w,2nw,ne,n,3nw,n,ne,nw,n,ne,3e,3se,4e,2ne,9e,3ne,2n,nw,n,nw,ne,u,2ne,2n
Also you are going to need to speak Khuzdul extremely well, if not you will be unable to complete this quest.
Now, you are ready to begin the next room is A long-abandoned forge when you get in there you should wait until you are backstabbed and then move directly south so you can fight A very aggrieved orc (Ishnakh) on his own. Make sure you do not drop too low in health so you have enough time to run to safety.
Now wait for Without warning, Quiet figure stabs you from behind!.
When you have killed Isnakh you should heal up and get ready to continue.
When you are ready you should should try to focus down A large, powerful orc (The others are A heavily tattooed orc, A wiry orc and A large, fat orc) in the next room as he is the one who is preventing you from getting to the next part of the quest (You can also simply kill all of the Orcs).
When A large, powerful orc is dead, you should head back south and heal up.
When you are ready to continue you should prepare for the next fight. In the next fight (A long-abandoned bunkroom) you should try to focus down An angry orc as he is the one blocking you from continuing (Again, you can kill them both if you wish).
do n,nw
When he is dead you should carry on.
Now you are in A long-abandoned storeroom.
search mound 2
If you see You rummage through the pile of scrap metal, taking care not to get cut on any of the jagged pieces. Unfortunately, you don't pay quite enough attention, and pull your hand from the pile with a nasty gash in it! then you will have to try again. You will also have been given Tetanus and should get a Ranger to heal you of it before it becomes unhealable.
One you see You search through the pile without getting cut, and find a key. you are ready to continue.
do s,open chest,get journal from chest,se,s
You should now have A strange key and An ancient journal, you can place these in your pack for now.
You should now heal up and get ready for your next fight.
If you killed all of the orcs in the first room previously you can skip the next step. If not you will now need to kill focus down A heavily tattooed orc.
When A heavily tattooed orc is dead.
Now heal up and get ready for your next fight.
do n,ne
You will now have to kill both A monstrous Olog-hai and A sneaky orc. When they are both dead you should wait for The corpse of Olog-hai to rot away which will leave The mummified corpse of a dwarf on the ground.
unstring chain
This should give you A small metal tag on a chain.You should now get A strange key from your pack if you placed it there.
do get strange key from pack,tug lever,move table,insert key into hole,turn key
You should now get An ancient journal out of your pack now.
do get journal from pack,dial combination
This will check your Khuzdul skill. If you see You dial in the numbers from the tag. After dialing in the final number, you hear a *clunk* behind the safe door. A sudden thought hits you: wasn't that too easy? You ponder that for a while and eventually decide to move on. then you have failed the quest and will have to wait for it to reset (Perhaps increase your Khuzdul skill or your Intelligence).
If you see As you start to enter the numbers from the tag, a sudden thought hits you: surely it can't be this easy? You turn through the pages of the old journal, and after consulting several of the last entries, you reverse the numbers on the tag and dial them in. You hear a *clunk* behind the door. then you can continue.
do pry safe,loot safe
This should give you A bundle of leathers. To get your actual reward.
unwrap bundle
This will give you your actual reward and your quest point.
If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.