Uncover a rickety old boat.
A rickety old boat.
Find a hidden old boat, then carefully traverse the river rapids you fall into.
You should not enter this quest without full endurance (especially if you are going to be swimming the entire thing). Swimming in these rapids can drain your endurance rapidly. Once you are ready to begin.
search brush
If the quest is in you will now find yourself aboard A rickety old boat hurtling down a set of river rapids. You have 30 seconds to decide which direction to move, or you will be forceably moved (this will also capsize your boat and sink it, forcing you to swim the rest of the way). First of all you need to look in the room.
You should see Raging water swirls about you, pushing you desperately downstream. As you push against the current, trying to stay afloat, you compete against nature itself as you struggle to survive..
Below the room description will be a line which looks like one of the following.
There is a rock looming to the west!
There is a rock looming to the west and northwest!
Two rocks block your way to the northwest and southwest!
There is a rock looming to the west and southwest!
There is a rock looming to the southwest!
There is a rock looming to the northwest!
There are other possibilities but these are enough examples to show you what to do. Each room has three water exits west, northwest and southwest you need to pick one of the exits which is NOT mentioned in the rock line. So for instance if the line says.
There is a rock looming to the west and northwest!
If there are multiple exits which do not have rocks blocking them then you can choose either exit.
If you choose the wrong direction and are in a boat then you will capsize and start swimming (losing the boat permanently). If this happens you will have to swim the rest of the way). If you hit a rock whilst swimming you will take up to 50 damage.
You will have to cross at least 10 rooms in order to reach the end, but it could take up to 30 rooms (randomly chosen).
Whilst swimming you will drain 5 endurance periodically, and 3 endurance per room you need to swim in.
If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.