Ethring: Rescuing Old Nag (tracked)

Quest Info

Recommended Level
  • Description

    Save an old horse from a burning barn.

  • <Your name>' old nag

  • From Linhir signpost.

    do w,n,nw,4n,nw,4n,nw,n,nw,2n,nw,3n,3w

  • Find a way to rescue the horse from the barn.

  • First the village must be burning (via Setting fire to Ethring). Once the village is burning you can rescue A plain old nag. You will need something to blindfold her. You can get a piece of wet cloth to do this but you will need to have a knife.

    do 3e,2s,2w,raise bucket,wield knife,cut rope,get cloth from bucket

    This will give you A strip of cloth and A bucket.

    do 2e,2n,3w,blindfold nag

    You will now rescue the horse and get quest point. The horse will also become yours.

If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.

See Also