Retrieve items for an archer to repair his bow.
An ornate shortbow.
Find a pair of fangs after swimming in a pool close to the entrance. Locate an archer and give the fangs to him along with a snake pelt to get your reward.
You will need a knife or survival kit in order to skin the snake corpse for this quest.
do 6s,wade in pool
Wait until you see You wade into a pool of water.
You will need at least 50 endurance for the next command.
swim e
When you have succeeded.
do 2e,push skeleton,kill serpent
When A newly-hatched serpent is dead.
do yank fangs from skeleton,2w
Once again you will need 50 endurance for the next command.
swim w
Now you can carry on.
do surface,2n,5e,enter gap,give fangs to archer
Now you will need to explore a little. Leave this room and look around for either A brown snake or A water snake (they spawn in random rooms so make sure you can find your way back), once you have found one.
kill snake
When it is dead.
skin corpse
Now return to Androhil the archer.
give pelt to archer
He will then reward you.
If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.