Adv. Caves: Serpents' Diamond

Quest Info

Recommended Level
Maximum Level
  • Description

    Acquire a valuable diamond.

  • A raw diamond.

  • From Belegost signpost.


    From Bywater signpost.

    do 16w,23s,enter,2s,w,2s,3w,2s,4w,n,3w,n,5w,s,4w,n,6w,4n

  • Locate a pick at the bottom of a pool. Then use that pick to mine out a diamond from a wall nearby.

  • do 6s,wade in pool

    Wait until you see You wade into a pool of water.


    You will need 50 endurance for the next part.

    swim e

    Once you are across.

    do e,pry pick from skeleton,e,push skeleton,kill serpent

    When A newly-hatched serpent is dead.

    do wield pick,hack wall

    You now have your diamond.

If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.

See Also