Mirkwood: Edrendil (tracked)

Quest Info

Recommended Level
Silvan or Sindar
  • Description

    Be seduced by an Elven maiden.

  • An elven longbow.

  • Dance with the Elven dancer a few times, then be taken off to a secluded sleeping area. When she leaves find her necklace and bring it to Maegon.

  • Wait for A beautiful elven dancer to ask you to dance The lovely dancer catches your eye and then moves close to you. With a smile that would melt snow on a winter day, she leans toward you and whispers, "Come and dance with me.".

    dance with dancer

    You will dance with her and then be caught, she will suggest you go and refresh yourself and then come back A tall elf enters as your dance begins to wind down, and you only notice him because his eyes seem to burn holes through your body. He appears unhappy. The dancer quickly looks away, and says to you: "Go now, leave before he gets angry. Go, refresh yourself at the firepit with our elven wine, and return to me.".

    do sw,n,pull tap,drink cup,drop cup,s,ne

    The dancer will then ask you to dance with her again The young dancer rushes up to you and takes your arm. Her touch is warm on your skin and her breath sweet on your cheek. She whispers "I thought that you had forgotten me. Please, dance with me again.".

    dance with dancer

    You will dance with her once more and then she will lead you to A peaceful area and kiss you.

    Now one of two things will happen randomly. Suddenly Cubeleg, the elven archer will come in, shoot (and kill) the dancer. He will then attack you and tell everyone in the camp that you did it (you will now be automatically attacked by everyone). If this happens you cannot complete the quest.

    The other possibility is that you are not caught, then the dancer will give you A scarf to remember her by and leave As she leaves, a glimmer in the grass catches your attention..

    do look glimmer,get necklace

    This will give you A silver necklace.


    If you wait here for a few seconds Maegon reclines upon the grass will notice you and give you your reward as way of an apology Well, I see you have met Edrendil, our dancer. She often breaks the hearts of our visitors, and I apologize for anything she might have done to you. She is betrothed to Cubeleg, our archer but she still wishes to lead men on. As a token of our good faith, and as an apology for what Edrendil may have done to you, let me give you an elven longbow, our bowyers still have the ancient art..

If any of the information here is missing, or wrong, please let us know.

See Also